Part 10: The Hunter Appears

The Showdown
A Dying World

Characters: Noel Kriess
Noel came from a distant future where humanity faced extinction at the end of time. When his dearest friend, Yeul, was lost to him, he came back in time to a point when he might direct humanity away from the path that would lead to its doom. That was how he met Lightning, and then Serah. With their help, and his unflagging heart, he stood against the destruction he knew to be coming.
By traveling through time with Serah, he succeeded in preventing the worst possible outcome of history, and the extinction of humanity was averted.
But his great struggle, though well-intentioned, brought about a different tragedy instead. He fought the great warrior Caius, a man he once considered his teacher, and defeated him in their final battle and in doing so he fell into the trap that Caius had so carefully laid, triggering the destruction of the world and Serah's death.
The Chaos that continues to consume the world, the fruitlessness of Serah's death, his inability to keep his promise to Yeul there is so much to regret. Is it any wonder that his heart may have become lost in the darkness?

Legends and History: Oracle Drives
These devices can record a vision of what is to occur in the future and play it back for others. They are uncovered in ruins that once belonged to an ancient people called the Farseers. This tribe was ruled for generations by the seeress Yeul, who possessed the ability to see the future, and they labored to record the visions with which she was cursed.
The images which are recorded within an Oracle Drive are sure to come to pass, if the current path of history is followed. If the future that is depicted in an Oracle Drive is somehow changed, then any alternate futures that might arise are then reflected in the Oracle Drive.
Noel was a Guardian serving the seeress Yeul and a traveler through time. he knows better than anyone alive the unseen sorrows that can arise from changing the future. Is that why he seeks to protect the prophecy shown on the Oracle drive? Or is it simply that, more than anything, he wants it to be true?